Welcome to Ilsington Parish Council Website

As well as some general information about the parish, we will publish on a regular basis the agendas for forthcoming Parish Council meetings, the minutes for these meetings and the minutes for the Planning Meetings. These minutes are usually approved at the subsequent meeting, so will only be available a month after the meeting.

Current news stories of interest to those in the parish are available on the News page.

We hope you will find the site informative and useful. Finally, on the contact us page is the ability to contact the Parish Clerk by email, who would be pleased to receive your comments and queries both about this site, but also on the working of the Parish Council in general.

Upcoming Meetings

Planning Committee

15 Apr 25 - 19:30

at Ilsington Village Hall

Full Council

29 Apr 25 - 19:30

at Ilsington Village Hall

Planning Committee

16 May 25 - 19:30

at Ilsington Village Hall

Full Council

27 May 25 - 19:30

at Liverton Village Hall